Friday, November 15, 2013

The Communities In School Model In Action

In this blog and my subsequent blogs, you will see quite a few mentions of the CIS Model.  Consequently, you might ask, "What exactly is the CIS Model?" Put simply, the basic principle of the  CIS Model is  to provide community based, integrated, student services and interventions to improve students outcomes, socially, emotionally and academically.  For you more visual readers who prefer a more illustrative definition, see our Model below.

By meeting students' needs, occurring both outside and inside the school environment, through the use of effective community support, students are given the necessary tools to succeed.  In short,  the CIS Model serves the whole student, providing a more holistic approach to fostering students' success.

I had the opportunity this week to  witness the CIS Model in action during a Vision Screening Event at Henry County Middle School, McDonough, GA.   Specifically, CIS-Henry collaborated and brokered a partnership with the Georgia Lion's Lighthouse Foundation to perform vision screenings and follow-up services of 7th grade Henry Middle School students.  Over 110 students were screened, with well over 50% targeted for an additional vision examination from a physician within the community and free glasses if necessary.  Needless to say, the event was a big success!  As a result of connecting community resources, students in need of additional vision care, whose families are without the financial or insurance means to do so, will be able to receive this service in support of their academic  success. 

The Vision Screening was an ideal event to further my understanding of the CIS Model and its community connection collaborative.  In fact, this event just may be the highlight of my Communities in School's internship, well at least for now.  There is nothing like hands on experience and success to build more excitement and momentum about an education initiative that really works!  Special thanks is given to the CIS Graduation Coach at Henry Middle School and volunteers with The Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation for not only embodying the Communities in School Model but actually getting the job done!

For more information on CIS-Henry or the CIS Model  contact us at:
Communities in Schools - Henry
70 Macon Street
McDonough, GA 30253
Phone: 678 432 4499

Crystal Cohen is a Graduate student in Clayton State University's Master's of Psychology Program, Applied Developmental Track, with an expected graduation date in 2014.  Her role at Communities in School-Henry includes program development and evaluation, as well as dissemination of information via social media platforms of evidence based practices that promote student achievement.

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